Extraordinary Circumstances HERE.

Celebrate 40 Years of Safety with Texas811!

Welcome to a milestone celebration as Texas811 proudly marks its 40-year anniversary! Established in 1984, we've come a long way since then, witnessing incredible transformations in technology, lifestyle, and the economy. As we reflect on the past, let's take a trip down memory lane and appreciate the incredible journey that has shaped us into who we are today.

A Journey Through Time:

In 1984:

  • The average home price was $97,000; today, it stands at $412,000.
  • A movie ticket cost $3.36, compared to today's $14.
  • Only 40,000 people owned a cell phone, and installing one in a car cost between $1,900 and $4,100.
  • Computers, a luxury at the time, ranged from $1,800 to $2,500.

What Remains Unchanged:

Amidst these transformations, one thing has remained constant since 1984 – the unwavering mission of Texas811. Our commitment to facilitating damage prevention, promoting public safety, and protecting the environment through stakeholder education and communication is as steadfast as ever.

Your Impact:

Our 40-year anniversary is not just a celebration; it's a moment to acknowledge the vital role each one of you plays. Your dedication contributes to the essential fabric of Texas infrastructure, ensuring safe economic growth and the well-being of all Texans. What you do at Texas811 has always been and will continue to be a BIG DEAL!

Looking Forward:

As we celebrate this significant milestone, we also look ahead to the future. With $500 billion allocated for infrastructure, the next 40 years promise growth and progress. Without the crucial services provided by 811, this growth wouldn't happen in a safe and timely manner.

Join the Celebration:

Throughout this year, we have exciting plans to mark this achievement. It's not just about looking back; it's about looking forward with anticipation and excitement for the next 40 years. Join us in celebrating the legacy of keeping Texas safe.

A Personal Note:

I, Chris Stovall, am thrilled to share this journey with you. Your commitment to Texas811 has been instrumental in our success, and I look forward to celebrating 40 years of safety with you throughout the year.

Here's to the past, present, and future of Texas811 – a legacy of safety, growth, and excellence!

Warm regards, Chris Stovall