We have begun receiving Extraordinary Circumstance Declarations from one/more utility members. View all extraordinary Circumstances HERE.
Fast, Easy & Free. It’s the Law.
Dial 811 or make a request online two-business days before any digging project.
Wait the two-business days for the utility companies to mark the work area.
Confirm that all affected utility companies have responded. Responses can be verified by comparing markings with utilities listed on the 811 ticket. Learn what each colored marking means. Positive Response for excavators.
Respect and replace the markings provided by the utility companies. These markings are your guide for the duration of the project.
It is the responsibility of the person digging to avoid damaging marked lines.
Texas law requires homeowners to contact 811 two-business days (excluding weekends and holidays) before digging, even if you’re working in your own backyard. Homeowners should contact 811 when: Building or repairing a fence, planting a tree, installing a sprinkler system or any chore or maintenance that requires digging. This list is not a comprehensive list.
ResourcesTexas law requires excavators to contact 811 two-business days (excluding weekends and holidays) before excavating.